The Winners of the 2022 Bloggies
The inaugural Bloggies have ended, and I have awards to hand out! We will start with the Copper Bloggies (3rd place in each category), then Silver, Gold and Platinum, saving the best for last. However, first let’s give a round of applause for all 64 blog posts that were nominated. Each is a delightful read and worthy of acclaim. Alright, you may now stop applauding and continue to read the awards.
Also, stay tuned for some acceptance speeches from the four winners of the Gold Bloggies.
Copper Bloggie for Theory Post
Proceduralism, from All Dead Generations
Copper Bloggie for Gameable Post
Copper Bloggie for Advice Post
A tie! This award is shared by
My Process, from Mazirian’s Garden
Adding Congruency to Anti Canon Worldbuilding, from Mindstorm
Copper Bloggie for Review Post
Karth Taught me to Love Mothership, from Technical Grimoire
Silver Bloggie for Theory Post
hexcrawls ARE pathcrawls, from Permanent Cranial Damage
Silver Bloggie for Gameable Post
Getting Rid of Dogfights, from Failure Tolerated
Silver Bloggie for Advice Post
Hexcrawl Checklist: Part One, from Prismatic Wasteland
Silver Bloggie for Review Post
Folie a Deux - Holy Mountain Shaker, from Bones of Contention
Gold Bloggie for Best Theory Post
D&D’s Obsession with Taxonomy, from Zedeck Siew’s Writing Hours
Zedeck’s acceptance speech will be held until the end of this broadcast. Stay tuned.
Gold Bloggie for Best Gameable Post
Nested Monster Hit Dice, from mindstorm
From Ty, the mind behind mindstorm:
“Wow. What can I say? When I was writing the little markdown file that would eventually becomes NMHD I remember thinking, “hey, wow, this is kind of a neat idea.”
Not once did I think that a few dozen other people, voting in a highly scientific twitter poll, would agree with me! Now this is what blogging is all about!”
Gold Bloggie for Best Advice Post
Prep Tools, Not Adventures, from Papers and Pencils
From Nick, the merchant running Papers and Pencils:
“It is only correct that I receive this award. Other lesser posts, all of which were definitely read and understood by the users of twitter dot com, have been cast aside in favor of my own great work. Like all great works, this one began as an image macro [see below] that got 3 likes on twitter several years ago, and only this year it occurred to me that perhaps brevity is NOT the soul of wit, and I ought to explain myself in several thousand words instead. Obviously, you all agreed.
With sincerity: thank you for this recognition. I am glad people found this to be a useful work.”
The meme behind the post
Gold Bloggie for Best Review Post
Enough Dweeb Adventures, from A Knight at the Opera
From Dwiz, one of the phantoms lurking within A Knight at the Opera:
Platinum Bloggie for Best Blog Post of 2022
D&D’s Obsession with Taxonomy, from Zedeck Siew’s Writing Hours
And finally, a note from Zedeck, one of the best writers of TTRPGs of all time:
“Writing that post was me trying to articulate a tendency I sense in D&D nerd-dom. And in nerd-doms generally? The way we seem really invested in making our maps more real than the territories we describe. I do believe it’s useful to be mindful of this. (After all, who gave the world its taxonomies, its border gore, its race sciences, its social-media algorithms? A bunch of nerds.)
I’d like to thank anybody who has ever argued about the number of feet a dragon should have.”
A Note on Future Bloggies:
My dream for this is not that I run the show every year. I would love if each year’s Bloggies were hosted by a different blog, like the Olympics being hosted by different host cities. If you are interested in hosting next year’s on your blog, or have ideas for how to run future Bloggies, find a way to reach out to me.
And if you followed along this year and don’t already have a blog of your own, I encourage you to start one! There was amazing stuff blogged in 2022 and 2023 is just beginning.