Wizard Diss Tracks
Wizards are petty creatures, prone to getting into arcane beefs with their fellows. I present rules for wizards researching diss spells to further their beefs along with a d66 random table for origins of the beefs between wizards.

Names on the Borderlands
A d100 list of fantasy names for humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, goblins, lizardfolk, orcs and more!

Tempus, Fudge It
Include time-tracking directly in your game’s procedures, and you will never have to fiddle with a calendar for your campaign every again.

When to Hold ‘em, When to Roll ‘em
Dice are for divination, a tool that gives final say to fate. When you roll the dice, respect the result. But when you know what the result should be, don’t roll the dice.

Spelling Errors: A Magic Miscast Alternative
When a magic-user flubs a spell, they mix up a few letters but the magic remains. Thus does a Charm Person spell become a Harm Person spell. Oops.