My Weird Wizard Show
Soft-boiled rules for casting spells that is fast, flexible and fascinating.

Shopping in D&D is Garbage, And How to Fix It
Don’t let shopping for gear be a chore. Make it part of the game with this Yahtzee inspired shopping minigame.

I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again
A few options for making healing from 0 hp feel more realistic and offer more tactical depth.

Level Up Everyone and Everything
In most games, the player doesn’t have a choice about what to do with their XP. But what if they could invest it into their character, their followers, their equipment or anything else?

The XP Bowl and XP Bubbles
I present a new way to award XP that doesn’t disrupt your game or require bookkeeping.

Hostile Negotiations: A Framework for Social Combat
Rules for negotiations that don’t impede roleplay.

Overloading the Damage Die
Into the Odd revolutionized combat by jettisoning the “to hit” roll. This post offers a combat system that maintains single-roll attacks, but imbues that roll with a greater variety of outcomes.

Failure, Diegesis & Ability Score Increases
A diegetic method for increasing ability scores, stolen gleefully from another system.

A Preview of Coming Attractions
I discuss the TTRPG projects I am working on: Big Rock Candy Hexcrawl, Barkeep on the Borderlands, Unaccredited Magic User Boarding School, and Prismatic Wasteland.