A Game to Generate the World History for Your Campaign
Could a depressed person make this?! A DIY board game using Risk and Monopoly components that you can use to generate the history of your fantasy setting before embarking on a D&D campaign.

Steal This Idea: Cardinal Sins
I want to play as a scheming priest amidst other scheming priests.

1849 California Gold Slush
A handful of blog posts that never made their way to the finish line. There are a handful of golden nuggets of good ideas in here! But also there are at least six bad ideas.

Which Sacred Cow Doth I Kill?
The worst part of the otherwise excellent "Roll Under" system is that rolling low on a d20, contrary to popular conceptions, is a good thing. Can we keep the bones of roll under while bringing it into conformity with mainstream worship of the natural 20?

Rehabilitating the To-Hit Roll
Musings on removing the damage roll and replacing it with the to-hit roll for use in games that are heavy on looting enemies.

Wizards Playing Telephone
Using a strange spell as a jumping off point for stranger worldbuilding.

Blog Challenge: New (Year’s) Resolution Mechanic
I present a brand new resolution mechanic and challenge all bloggers to do the same!
I’ll include links to every blog that accepts my challenge.

Of Mysteries, Monsters and Mosquitillos
I reveal a new monster from the origins of the hobby. This monster languished while its siblings, like the Owlbear and Rust Monster, are being featured in major motion pictures. Life is unfair sometimes.

Dicember Blogstew
For Dyson Logos’ Dicember Challenge, I address the first 21 prompts in a single blogpost.

Ashcan Rule: XP for Coal
An unused rule that got cut from my Big Rock Candy Hexcrawl, with some suggestions for a Minecraft TTRPG.