Explore a World Hovering on the Edge of Time

Humanity’s story is bound to an old, dying world orbiting a rapidly expanding star, once the crown jewel of the confederacy of pangalactic corporations. Remnants of decadence bestrew the earth as humanity toils along its surface and deep in its bowels, unaware of its past or future, only the now. Warriors discover swords of laser beneath the crysteel domes, wizards cast spells etched into their skulls, boards of directors of vestigial corporations ascend through divine birthright or occult ceremony and, far below the earth’s crust, slumbering dragons whir and hum with forgotten purpose.

Prismatic Wasteland is a blog. If this comes as a shock, you must be lost. I’ll post play reports (currently running a group of big game hunters through Luka Rejec’s Ultraviolet Grasslands using the Prismatic Wasteland rules), RPG reviews and other musings.

Prismatic Wasteland is a game. In progress. A lot of it will be familiar to those acquainted with the cutting-edge of the OSR, but it emphasizes the collective group over individual adventurers by centering their shared quest and providing solid rules for the Company, a type of “character” run collaboratively by all the non-GM players. The emphasis is just as much on long journeys as it is fast combat.

Prismatic Wasteland is setting. A strong setting should bleed into the rules, soak through the game and leak onto the gaming table. Prismatic Wasteland is whimsical, weird post-post-apocalyptic science fantasy. The 96 possible starting backgrounds flesh it out without requiring the GM to ingurgitate a textbook of setting material. It will also include regions, locations, settlements and dungeons to drop into your own Prismatic Wasteland (or other neon fantasy hellscape of choice).

Prismatic Wasteland is a lifestyle brand. A boy can dream.

Blog by W.F. Smith