Megadungeon Malls & Collaborative Caverns
Advice for sparking ideas for building megadungeons, from mall maps to a collaborative dungeon design procedure.

Bury Your Gold: On Abstract Wealth
In which I express dissatisfaction with the standard counting-gold-coins mechanic and suggest an alternative in the form of abstracted Wealth, Reputation and Supply.

Exploding the Encounter Die
A twist on the overloaded encounter die mechanic that makes the dungeon more dynamic, and provides risk vs reward tradeoffs for players as they explore a dungeon.

Maybe Split the Party
A definitive guide to splitting the party or running PvP while keeping all the players at the table engaged with the action.

Druidic Depravity
Druids can be evil too. Some advice on eschewing tropes and adding druidic antagonists into your next game.

Review: Mausritter Boxed Set
A review of Mausritter, a sword-and-whiskers TTRPG based on Into the Odd. Also musings on the Mausritter campaign I want to run.

In Defense of 3d6
3d6-in-order is a somewhat maligned method for generating stats, but there is a place for it. Beware: very unscientific survey contained herein!

Anti Canon Ancestry II: There Be Goblins!
Goblins from outer space invade the Prismatic Wasteland!

Anti Canon Ancestry
How Prismatic Wastelands handles “race.” A character’s ancestry doesn’t define them. Instead, the player helps define the world through their character’s ancestry.

How to Run a Mystery in TTRPGs
Advise on running mysteries and reflections on capital-T Truth in TTRPGs. By speaking a fact at the table, you reify that as a Truth. All clues unuttered are merely potential truths, waiting their turn.

Schrödinger’s Chat: Improving Language Rules in RPGs
The way Dungeons & Dragons handles language is lacking in either realism or fun. In this post, I offer a system that is at least fun, if not particularly realistic.

Parenthood among the Porcelain Palaces
In which our heroes find a child, create a child, make those children fight, then negotiate with pseudo-liches to save the children. Won’t somebody please think of the children?

Troikafeld! A Review and Starting Adventure
A review of the Seinfeld-based Troika! supplement and a starting adventure for it.

Previously on UVG…
In which our heroes are introduces and their exploits thus far summarized.